Tuesday, 19 June 2012

A fun day doing the Fun Five!

When I am working with a maths group, the rest of the class is allowed to do the 'Fun Five' - five fantastic activities that they help choose at the beginning of our Maths lesson.  Last week, I had finished with my groups, and I went to see what the kids had been up to.  They had been VERY busy creating some amazing things!  Here is a video...

Aren't they so very clever?

Friday, 1 June 2012

The three billy goats gruff

Today we read the three billy goats gruff for Fairy Tale Maths. We played a game with the goats. We had a dice that had 5 sad faces and 1 happy face. If we rolled a sad face, the goat was eaten by the troll. If we got a happy face, the goat made it across the bridge.
We decided that this dice was very unfair. Angela figured out that a dice with 3 happy faces and 3 sad faces was much fairer.

We decided that it was much easier playing with the fair dice. Jessie-Rose explained that no one in her team got across when they used the unfair dice!
Great work Room 12!